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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
Plakat filma Sinbad (2012).


Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti adventure, action, fantasy
Države UK
Jeziki en
Trajanje 45 min
External links imdb , omdb
Plakat epizode Pilot.


In the city of Basra, Sinbad (Knight) is in a fighting ring with a young man who turns out to be the son of Lord Akbari (Andrews). When the fight results in the son's death, both Sinbad and his brother Jamil (Anderson) are captured by Akbari, who orders the death of Jamil in revenge, though Akbari admits that his blood debt would not be complete even if he did kill Sinbad also. After Sinbad escapes, his grandmother (Janet Suzman) curses him with an amulet, which will exile him at sea; if he is to spend more than one day and night on land, he will die. He stows away onboard a vessel, the Providence, but during the night the ship is terrorised by sea demons, and a storm kills all but a handful of the crew and passengers, including the imposing northman Gunnar (Cowen), thief and fellow stowaway Rina (Corlett), wealthy African beauty Nala (Daniels), ship's doctor Anwar (Leonidas), and Cook (Inocian).

Plakat epizode Queen of the Water-Thieves.

Queen of the Water-Thieves

Plakat epizode House of Games.

House of Games

Plakat epizode Old Man of the Sea.

Old Man of the Sea

Plakat epizode Episode 5.

Episode 5

Plakat epizode Episode 6.

Episode 6

Plakat epizode Episode 7.

Episode 7