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Sprog S/A/T Bedømmelse Uploaded
Poster for Last Resort (2012).


Entry type TV Serier
Genres drama, thriller, action, mystery
Countries USA
Sprog en
Duration 42 min
External links imdb , omdb , wikipedia
Poster for episode Captain.


Marcus Chaplin is the Captain of the USS Colorado, the most powerful nuclear submarine ever built. When ordered to fire four nuclear missiles at Pakistan he defies protocol and demands confirmation. The submarine is consequently fired upon by the USS Illinois, after which the Colorado bottoms out and is left for dead. The US blames Pakistan for the attack, leading to a nuclear strike against Pakistan. The presumed-dead crew of the Colorado take control of the island of Sainte Marina where there is a NATO radar installation. Chaplin threatens to launch his missiles at any country, including the US, that attacks his ship.

Poster for episode Blue on Blue.

Blue on Blue

More than twenty American warships are approaching the perimeter around the island. Chaplin activates the Perseus stealth device that makes the sub undetectable and launches an unarmed torpedo at the Illinois to warn them off. XO Sam Kendal intercepts a ground assault by Russian Spetsnaz while in the US his wife is pressured to make him surrender. Prosser tells Marcus, and the crew, that the recent death of his son is affecting his judgment.

Poster for episode Eight Bells.

Eight Bells

Prosser gives his parole and is released from the brig to help find three crew members. They have have been captured by Serrat who demands Chaplin pick up a cargo from a ship outside the perimeter for their release. The Colorado makes the hazardous mission, but returns late, so Serrat kills one of the men. In the US Admiral Shepard asks Kylie to find the source of the missile launch order.

Poster for episode Voluntold.


Chaplin and Sam learn that the U.S. government will charge them with treason. Many of the crew are unhappy, so Chaplin tells them they can choose to stay with him or return to the US. Some crewmembers have been sent orders to kill Chaplin and seize the boat. One crewman attempts to shoot Chaplin, and Seaman Brannan later uses a grenade to take the control room. When he is put in contact with SecDef Curry and ordered to sink the sub, he instead gives the grenade to Chaplin. Serrat is looking for valuable rare earths on the island. In the U.S., Sam's wife has had her income cut off and is hounded by the press; Kylie realizes that the stolen disk of Perseus data also contains the course of the Colorado prior to the attack on Pakistan.

Poster for episode Skeleton Crew.

Skeleton Crew

Secretary of Defense Curry arrives at Sainte Marine to negotiate with Chaplin and Sam. Meanwhile, part of the sonar array protecting the island fails, allowing vessels to approach undetected. Grace is forced to pilot the submarine to repair the array with the help of King and Sophie. When navy subs have a chance to sink the Colorado, Admiral Shepard shoots Curry and kills his adviser to prevent the firing order. In Washington, Kylie finds herself cornered and seeks the alliance of Sam's wife, Christine, to help her uncover the government conspiracy.

Poster for episode Another Fine Navy Day.

Another Fine Navy Day

The island's water supply is dosed with a hallucinogen, BZ that shortly renders most of the island's population and the sub's crew unconscious. Serrat is seen working with the unknown attackers who are intent on kidnapping one of the SEALs. Kendal awakens and partners with King to thwart the attackers while Chaplin and his crew are imperiled when a fire breaks out on board and they are disoriented by the BZ. Seeing hallucinations of his son, Jeffrey as a young boy, the Captain succumbs to sleep. However he is revived by an unknown individual who had also restored the sub's oxygen levels and stole Chaplin's launch key.

Poster for episode Nuke It Out.

Nuke It Out

Chaplin investigates his crew to find out who sabotaged the sub and stole his launch key, increasing tensions. Conflict is also renewed with Serrat, the local organized crime leader, as he had assisted in the BZ attack, and also because his men have been dealing drugs to the crew, with serious consequences for Prosser. Meanwhile, the surviving special forces soldier from the BZ attack tells Kendal that there is a faction in Washington that wants to see the Colorado crew become a symbol of resistance against the current administration, with a promise of amnesty for the crew, but only if Chaplin is removed from command. Back in the U.S., Christine and Kylie work together to expose the truth of what is happening to the Colorado in the national media.

Poster for episode Big Chicken Dinner.

Big Chicken Dinner

Marcus organizes a feast for the crew and the islanders in celebration of the two cultures. The morning after the feast things go bad when one of the essential crew member is accused of raping one of the island's women. It's up to Grace to defend the man and find out the truth about what happened the night before.

Poster for episode Cinderella Liberty.

Cinderella Liberty

When the ship containing the family members of the crew is captured by Pakistani commandos, Chaplin and Grace must make a decision to use the sub's weapons to destroy an Indian invasion force that is threatening to attack Pakistan or watch their families die. Meanwhile, the mission of the Navy Seals is revealed, as we learn that Hopper was ordered by the Secretary of Defense to plant evidence that Pakistan was building weapons of mass destruction, forcing him and James to kill two innocent men before Hopper was shot, leading to the events of the pilot.

Poster for episode Blue Water.

Blue Water

Sam and James go to Manila to find Christine. James approaches a former SEAL who lives there for help. A Chinese envoy arrives and offers to provide Marcus with supplies. Prosser who's been nursing his injury and has become addicted to pain meds, returns. And Marcus is forced to resort an unusual tactic to discipline the men.

Poster for episode Damn the Torpedoes.

Damn the Torpedoes

The U.S. Navy sends a destroyer, the USS Patrick Lawrence, to intercept the Chinese supply ship, forcing Chaplin to act—the fact the Lawrence is commanded by a admirer of him further complicates matters. Meanwhile Sinclair reveals the treachery of the Presidency to top officials and is forced to fire upon a General.

Poster for episode The Pointy End of the Spear.

The Pointy End of the Spear

A battle of alliances ensues as Chaplin receives news about the possibility of a coup in the U.S., which might allow him and his crew to return home. Meanwhile, Kendal is torn between his loyalty to Chaplin and the possibility of a mutiny led by Prosser.

Poster for episode Controlled Flight Into Terrain.

Controlled Flight Into Terrain

When Prosser's mutiny fails and the Colorado is on the verge of falling into the hands of the Chinese, Chaplin makes one final stand as he retakes the conn and makes the ultimate sacrifice.