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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
Plakat filma Freddy's Nightmares (1988).


Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti fantasy, horror
Države USA
Jeziki en
Trajanje 60 min
External links omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode No More Mr. Nice Guy.

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Freddy Krueger tells the story about how he got that ugly face during the time of his death. It all starts at the beginning of Freddy's trial. In attendance is Tim Blocker, the town sheriff, with his wife Sara and his two teenage daughters who were Freddy's last victims before his arrest and the other parents of Freddy's victims. Just when they think he's going to jail, Freddy is freed on a technicality. The parents are furious and decide to take the law into their own hands by killing Freddy after he attacks the Blocker house. They hunt him down and burn him alive in his power plant fortress. Soon they all regret it when Freddy returns to kill them in their dreams.

Plakat epizode It's a Miserable Life.

It's a Miserable Life

To most people a bullet to the head spells death, but to these unfortunate drive-by shooting victims, it becomes something far worse.

Plakat epizode Killer Instinct.

Killer Instinct

Chris Ketchum wants to be the best runner on her track team just like her mother was. Her coach gives her a talisman that once belonged to her mother. Soon Chris discovers that whatever she imagines becomes reality.

Plakat epizode Freddy's Tricks and Treats.

Freddy's Tricks and Treats

It's Halloween and the students are having a blast at the costume party over at Springwood College. Marsha would rather study than party however. Someone wants to be her study friend and soon Marsha starts to have nightmares. Her dead crazy grandmother comes back to life, Marsha's boyfriend is killed and soon she finds herself in the hands of Freddy Krueger. She tries to escape by going to a dream clinic where dreams are recorded only to find out that there is no escape from Freddy.

Plakat epizode Judy Miller, Come On Down.

Judy Miller, Come On Down

Judy Miller wants more than anything to win the lottery. Her obsession is challenged when a housekeeper comes to warn her about her greed.

Plakat epizode Saturday Night Special.

Saturday Night Special

and for boys who like saturday nights on the town it's best not to go to that weird dating agency in springwood where dates with strikingly attractive girls could mean one last one-night stand.

Plakat epizode Sister's Keeper.

Sister's Keeper

In this follow-up to "No More Mr. Nice Guy", Freddy continues to stalk the last remaining Elm Street children by going after the Blocker twins.

Plakat epizode Mother's Day.

Mother's Day

Billy has just moved into the old Krueger house. He falls for a pretty teenage girl who convinces him to throw a party while his parents are away. The girl's mother is being harassed by a mysterious caller on the radio.

Plakat epizode Rebel Without a Car.

Rebel Without a Car

Alex is a shy teenager who just wants to fit in. He wants to have a cool car just like everyone else does and he gets his wish but he soon regrets it. Meanwhile Connie wants to be accepted into a college frat house but she also gets more than she bargained for.

Plakat epizode The Bride Wore Red.

The Bride Wore Red

An about to be married man goes to a bar where his friends are throwing a bachelor party. There he meets a female stripper who wants to keep him away from his fiancee. Meanwhile Jessica starts to have a nervous breakdown when her parents announce that they are getting a divorce.

Plakat epizode Do Dreams Bleed.

Do Dreams Bleed

A mysterious killer called The Chopper is terrorizing Springwood using an ax to kill his victims. High school student John Warring witnesses the latest murder and starts having nightmares about the killer. His girlfriend starts to do a little investigation on The Chopper

Plakat epizode The End of the World.

The End of the World

As a child, Amy was in a terrible car accident that claimed the life of her mother. She is haunted by nightmares of that tragic event. She soon learns that her dreams are a way of changing the past. Amy is also haunted by visions of a deadly holocaust.

Plakat epizode Deadline.


A newshound finds himself too involved with the obituaries he has to write. Also Emily is the only survivor of a car accident that claims the lives of her friends but their spirits and a strange man torment her.

Plakat epizode Black Tickets.

Black Tickets

Rick and Miranda are teenage lovers who leave Springwood. Their car stalls so they check into a hotel, but the hotel is run by sadistic hicks. Also Miranda is pregnant but is trying to hold down her job.

Plakat epizode School Daze.

School Daze

Steve Dart a student at Springwood High School decides to take it easy to escape stress. When he is called to the principal's office he starts having nightmares and soon discovers the high school's shocking secret. Also Max must work for his uncle's pizza restaurant and he too discovers a shocking secret.

Plakat epizode Cabin Fever.

Cabin Fever

Carl is a nervous man on a plane who is freaking out over some delusions of weird events. Meanwhile, a woman is stalked by a bunch of weirdos who abduct women and keep them for show and tell.

Plakat epizode Love Stinks.

Love Stinks

A deeply disturbed girl sets her sights on a teenage boy which leads to a horde of terrible nightmares. Max must work for his uncle's pizza restraunt and discovers a shocking secret.

Plakat epizode The Art of Death.

The Art of Death

Jack meets a man named The Phantom who says he was created by Jack through his drawings. The Phantom gets Jack to draw events that he wish could happen, and then they do. Jack try's to get the girl he likes in school, but it all goes wrong. The second half is about Joan living with her severe case of closterfobia. Her nightmares get a little out of hand and ends deadly all thanks to our freind freddy.

Plakat epizode Missing Persons.

Missing Persons

Our freind Freddy return in another fun fill ride. Gina is faced with her childhood past while babysitting. Is about a man who is tired of his life so on his way to work he imagines that he's someone else. But when his fantasy of being another person is over, he finds that it's more real than he thought.

Plakat epizode The Light At the End of the Tunnel.

The Light At the End of the Tunnel

Michael, a man in his thirties who is dead scared of the dark. All that has to change when he starts work, fixing pipes in the dark sewers.A sleazy video store owner who gets his, by reliving nightmares without the possibility of ever waking up.

Plakat epizode Identity Crisis.

Identity Crisis

Buddy Powers is having a hard time dealing with his son and new boss.Both of them value money and Buddy values peace and love. Buddy wnats his boss dead. Christina is wondering if she is adopted because there are no similarities between her and her mother.When Christina asks her mom questions about her past, she doesn't get the answers she wants.

Plakat epizode Safe Sex.

Safe Sex

Dana (Andy Woodworth) is just dying to lose his virginity to Springwood High's class misfit, Caitlin (Devon Pierce). So Freddy decides to give him some lessons in love...and death! Will Dana become a virgin sacrifice? Caitlin has the hots for Freddy, who is into long-distance relationships. Will he reach out and slice her?

Plakat epizode Dream Come True.

Dream Come True

A young boy is suffering from nightmares by Freddy. A psychiatrist is asked to help the boy. The doctor does help but at the most horrible cost. Meanwhile a cameraman is determined to prove that Freddy does exist. Freddy decides to teach him a lesson Krueger style.

Plakat epizode Heartbreak Hotel.

Heartbreak Hotel

A reporter who does some tacky stories for a newspaper is sent to the Springwood Hotel to investigate an elvis sighting there at the hotel he discovers that what ever he writes becomes reality Also a man survives a car accident and develops amenisia his family is trying to help him regain his memory.

Plakat epizode Welcome to Springwood.

Welcome to Springwood

A Couple move to Springwood. Right away the wife of the couple begins to suspect that a serial killer has targeted the house that they have moved into. This has a surprising ending. The second half of the episode is about a woman who finds an old stack of love letters from the nineteeth century. She begins to obsess over their relationship, and begins to see their ghosts.

Plakat epizode Photo Finish.

Photo Finish

A woman photographer is being terrorised by Freddy, and whatever photos she takes, tragedy strikes on every one. The second half of the episode is about three FBI agents investigating a family killing in Springwood on Halloween. It turns out that Freddy has used his evil to kill the family and is planning a similar fate for the FBI.

Plakat epizode Memory Overload.

Memory Overload

Professor Windom is a man with a drinking problem. But he has to get over his fears, and quickly, as a former student of his is in a lot of problems and needs his help. The second half of this episode is about Barbara, who is a bitch at work. She starts getting stressed out when her computer starts talking to her and believes she's going to be in trouble with the cops for tax evasion. Unwittingly she jumps into her computer to stop the certain file from being saved.

Plakat epizode Lucky Stiff.

Lucky Stiff

A man wins a lottery and he and his wife are in the money ... or so they think. Tragedy strikes, and after his death his lottery ticket turns up missing.

Plakat epizode Silence is Golden.

Silence is Golden

Rick Blake is haunted by a mime who keeps tormenting him. Meanwhile it turns out that the mime is also a burglar who learns that the last people he robbed were also killed

Plakat epizode Bloodlines.


An escaped convict goes on a search for the money he stole before he went to jail but his wife and his offspring aren't ready to forgive him. Meanwhile, Jack adopts a young girl but his wife believes that she is possessed by the devil.

Plakat epizode Monkey Dreams.

Monkey Dreams

Joe is a gambler who is fleeing from some gangsters. He is really a scientist who is trying to search for alien lifeforms. Another scientist is trying to see if monkeys can talk.

Plakat epizode Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?.

Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?

This is a sequel to Bloodlines. Lisa Wax has to babysit for the Burtons, not knowing that the Burtons' eldest adopted daughter Patty has been locked up in the family basement most of her life for killing her adopted mother. Lisa starts having hallucinations and seeing visions of Patty as the Devil himself, trying to lure the little boy into the basement. Somehow Patty escapes and imprisons Lisa in the basement, without the parent's thinking any different. The second half of the episode is about Patty and how she somehow meets Mrs.Wax. Mrs.Wax invites her to stay in her house. The town thinks that Lisa is dead, due to a car accident. Meanwhile Lisa escapes the basement and heads to a confrontation to end all confrontations.

Plakat epizode Dreams That Kill.

Dreams That Kill

A Talkshow host who is doing a story about if nightmares can kill, is being haunted by Freddy. He goes ahead with the story anyway despite Freddy's warnings. The second half is about a teenage boy who is involved in a car accident and is a subject of an illegal surgery by a doctor who switched brain tissue from the talkshow host to the boy. The boy is now being hunted by Freddy, who will stop at nothing to kill him.

Plakat epizode It's My Party and You'll Die If I Want You To.

It's My Party and You'll Die If I Want You To

Marla Murlee is a con artist posing as a psychic. She tries to contact someone from the Titanic disaster but is booed by her rival Harry Lee. Freddy hears this and decides to accept her invitation at the real ceremony. She does contact a spirit, not from the Titanic but from Elm Street. Freddy uses her body for his killing but he's not done yet. His next target is the Springwood High 2 decade reunion. The next victim is his ex-girlfriend Denise who broke their prom date as a joke. Also a student is studying Freddy to make a film about him.

Plakat epizode What You Don't Know Can Kill You.

What You Don't Know Can Kill You

This is about a psychiatrist who uses women under hypnosis to get what he wants. Eventually a fellow psychiatrist finds out what he's up to and the Doctor does his best in mind control to stop word from leaking out. The second half of the episode is about a man that is on the run from the police for accidental murder. His girlfriend suggests that he goes under laser plastic surgery to change his face. He does it, but later finds out that the new face he has is also owned by a mob boss who just turned state's evidence.

Plakat epizode Easy Come, Easy Go.

Easy Come, Easy Go

Greta who has already murdered twice to avoid sharing her first husband's lottery winnings, faces a new challenge when a witness to her crimes blackmails her into marriage. Single again, Greta finds out a deep, dark family secret when her sister Peggy and Peggy's husband Sonny drop in for a surprise visit.

Plakat epizode Prime Cut.

Prime Cut

A Camping trip turns into a nightmare as the male campers believe that their woman tracker is a vampire, who is planning on feeding off their blood. The second half of the episode is about some survivors of a plane crash, who have to eat their dead friends to survive. Meanwhile a killer is slowly stalking them in the mountains.

Plakat epizode Interior Loft.

Interior Loft

A woman decides to take up a side job in the phone sex business, for her husband. Disaster strikes when an unknown psychopath becomes obsessed with Kim and starts murdering women for her. The confrontation occurs in the loft. The second half of the episode is about Kim, who is recovering from the attack. She starts to mentally unhinge and her husband becomes gradually more worried that his wife is plotting to kill him.

Plakat epizode Interior Loft-Later.

Interior Loft-Later

An artist fakes his death after accidentally killing a subject.However he starts to suspect his wife is having an affair and that's when the twist occurs. The second half is about two women who are wary of letting a guy move into their apartment. Eventually their suspicions prove correct when he starts hitting on both of them. But one stunt backfires, big time.

Plakat epizode Funhouse.


This is a sequel to Welcome To Springwood, because of the character Turk. A Couple moves into a supposedly haunted house where a murder once took place. Someone is indeed in the house, but whether or not it's a ghost is another story. The second half of the episode is centered on the mover, and how he is roped back into the "House of a Hundred Secrets". Where the story ends with a twist.

Plakat epizode A Family Affair.

A Family Affair

Paul is cheating on his wife and when the woman he's having an affair with starts forcing her way into his life, he breaks off the relationship with her. Paul trying to patch things up with his son who's two year absence was triggered by the earlier events. This turns deadly because of his choices.

Plakat epizode Dust To Dust.

Dust To Dust

This is a sequel to PrimeCut. Three former cannibals start up their eating habits again when an unknown man drops dead in their living room. After all three eat him, they find out that the man was an astronaut who escaped an underground lab in Springwood. The astronaut was infected with a virus, which has now infected the three cannibals. The government picks them up and puts them in their underground lab for testing. The second half of the episode is centered on "Tracker", the lone survivor of the virus. "Tracker" wants to escape and eventually lures an innocent scientist to help her.

Plakat epizode Prisoner of Love.

Prisoner of Love

This episode is about a priest who is giving the last rites to a woman on death row. She manages to seduce him and he plans an unimaginable escape from the death house with a tragic ending. The second episode is centred on Violet Rodriguez as she tries to escape,the similar way Brenda Vincent tried, but with hopefully better results.

Plakat epizode Life Sentence.

Life Sentence

This episode is centered on Andy Caulfield, a prisoner who is about to get payroll, until he is faced with a prison counsellor who also happens to be a relative of one of his victims. The second half of this episode is based on Warden Hendler, who is using prisoners as Guinea pigs to test a new drug for extracting vital information. However the experiment backfires with drastic results.