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Plakat filma Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King (2006).


ID sok
Tip vnosa Mini serija
Zvrsti horror, thriller
Države Australia, USA
Jeziki en
Trajanje 480 min
External links imdb , wikipedia , omdb
Plakat epizode Battleground.


A professional hitman, Renshaw, finds himself the target when he kills a toymaker and the victim’s mother sends Renshaw a present: a toy foot locker filled with toy soldiers equipped to kill.

Plakat epizode Crouch End.

Crouch End

Lonnie and Doris Freeman, an American couple honeymooning in London, go to a friend's house for dinner but end up stranded in the mysterious Crouch End district. The area is strangely abandoned except for some bikers and children, and the couple soon realize they are trapped in a place where the barriers between dimensions are weak... and they may be the next to be sucked in to somewhere else.

Plakat epizode Umney's Last Case.

Umney's Last Case

In 1938, private eye Clyde Umney has it all – a successful career, adoring clients, and a beautiful secretary. But the arrival of the building owner, Sam Landry, throws his life into chaos when he arrives and tells Clyde that he’s evicting Clyde... permanently.

Plakat epizode The End of the Whole Mess.

The End of the Whole Mess

A young genius, Bobby Fornoy, comes up with a chemical cure for human violence. With the aid of his brother Howie, he comes up with a way to implement it worldwide. But the “cure” comes with a horrible side effect.

Plakat epizode The Road Virus Heads North.

The Road Virus Heads North

Writer Richard Kinnell is on a way back from a check-up where he's found out he may soon be facing death. On his way home he stops off at a garage sale and is intrigued by a painting of a vicious killer driving a car. Kinnell buys the picture, but as he heads home he realizes that the painting is...changing. The car in the picture is following his route, and getting closer with every minute...

Plakat epizode The Fifth Quarter.

The Fifth Quarter

A con gets out of prison to find his former partner in crime was involved in a new scheme, one that got him shot and killed. Now Willy has to collect four quarters of a map leading to the hidden loot...but the other three men have ideas of their own.

Plakat epizode Autopsy Room Four.

Autopsy Room Four

Directed by Mikael Salomon (TNT's Salem's Lot); teleplay by April Smith (The Taking of Pelham One Two Three) Businessman Howard Cottrell (Richard Thomas) is on vacation playing one of his many games of golf. Chasing the ball into the undergrowth, he is bitten by a snake and completely paralyzed, showing no signs of life. At the hospital, unable to communicate, he is the key witness to his own autopsy. Greta Scacchi co-stars.

Plakat epizode You Know They Have a Hell of a Band.

You Know They Have a Hell of a Band

A wrong turn on a lonely road turns frightening for Clark and Mary Willingham (Steven Weber and Kim Delaney) as they stumble upon a town not on any map - Rock and Roll Heaven, Oregon. There is a free concert every night, but the price of admission is high - once the audience enters, it can never leave.