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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
Plakat filma The Kill Point (2007).


ID 3pE
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti drama, crime
Države USA
Jeziki en
External links wikipedia , omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode Who's Afraid of Mr. Wolf.

Who's Afraid of Mr. Wolf

A group of ex-soldiers rob a bank but the heist goes wrong and they end up in the bank taking hostages. The situation in the bank makes a turn for the worse when police turns off electricity and Wolf threatens to kill a hostage.

Plakat epizode No Meringue.

No Meringue

The new FBI negotiator has no intention of giving into more demands, Wolf is trying to get a birthday cake for one of the hostages. The negotiations with the rich father of one of the hostages turn out bad and another hostage masked as HT gets shot.

Plakat epizode Pro Patria.

Pro Patria

Horst isn't sure he can trust Mr. Wolf after a hostage is shot. Alan Beck contacts Mr. Wolf as the getaway driver plans a different escape plot for the team.

Plakat epizode Visiting Hours.

Visiting Hours

Horst and Mr. Wolf have some unexpected guests. As Horst interrogates one of Wolf's former partners, the hostages try to escape.

Plakat epizode The Great Ape Escape.

The Great Ape Escape

Horst investigates one of Wolf's former comrades, and makes a surprising discovery; an extraction plan is set into motion.

Plakat epizode The Devil's Zoo.

The Devil's Zoo

Mr. Rabbit takes over the role of leader as Wolf struggles with his emotions. Mr.Rabbit's leadership scares everyone including Capt. Horst who starts to think of new ways to get everyone out safely.