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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
en 3 / 1 / O 3023 0
5. 01. 17
Plakat filma Crossing Lines (2013).


ID Cc8
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti action, crime, drama
Države France, Germany, USA
Jeziki en
Trajanje 48 min
External links omdb , wikipedia , imdb
Plakat epizode Pilot.


Four women have been killed, their bodies left in wooded areas of parks in major European cities. Investigators, including wounded former American police officer Carl Hickman, team up to find the killer. The team checks out the latest crime scene and finds a shoe which may help identify a victim. The coroner discovers wounds on the victim which hint at the killer toying with his intended prey. The shoe is traced to a store where the killer abducts Agent San, while Hickman is out in the car taking care of his morphine fix. The killer is able to slip through a roadblock because his car has American Embassy plates. The team learns that the killer was at the recent crime scene and later identify him as Gerald Wilhoit (Eddie Jemison), from a video of him purchasing a dog he had killed at the park. They also determine that he has taken San to a Berlin park. He wounds her and tells her to run, but she doesn't. She stands up to him, buying her team time to find their location. Hickman chases after him when Wilhoit stabs Agent Pride (Genevieve O'Reilly). Hickman is unable to shoot him, due to his incapacity to load his gun's chamber with his wounded hand. Daniel shoots him instead, and Hickman takes that gun to avoid an international incident.

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