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Jezik S/E/T Ocena Naloženo
en 9 / 4 / O 3497 0
6. 02. 19
en 9 / 4 / O 1387 0
4. 02. 19
en 9 / 4 / O 529 0
4. 02. 19
en 9 / 4 / O 164 0
4. 02. 19
en 9 / 4 / O 356 0
4. 02. 19
Plakat filma Vera (2011).


ID N7c
Tip vnosa TV serija
Zvrsti crime
Države UK
Jeziki en
Trajanje 120 min
External links imdb , omdb , wikipedia
Plakat epizode Hidden Depths.

Hidden Depths

When two different people are murdered in the same way with their bodies placed in water and surrounded by flowers, Vera, Joe and the team must have to work quick to find the culprit. The end up discovering complex and dysfunctional relationships among a group of bird-watching friends who look out for each other.

Plakat epizode Telling Tales.

Telling Tales

Plakat epizode The Crow Trap.

The Crow Trap

Plakat epizode Little Lazarus.

Little Lazarus