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Lingua S/E/S Voto Caricato
Poster for Cedar Cove (2013).


Tipo di voce TV Series
Genres drama, romance
Countries USA
Lingue en
Duration 42 min
External links omdb , imdb
Poster for episode Pilot.


Olivia Lockhart (Andie MacDowell) is the divorced municipal court judge of Cedar Cove and is dealing with the death of her son. She is soon offered a federal judgeship by a Washington State Senator Pete Albertson (Barclay Hope) whom she knows from law school. He chose to nominate her for the federal position because only one of her some 20 court decisions that had been appealed was overturned by the higher court. Word of this quickly reaches Jack Griffith (Dylan Neal), a newcomer to small town life. He is also an alcoholic trying to get his life in order. Olivia's daughter Justine (Sarah Smyth) gets a marriage proposal from Warren Saget (Brennan Elliott), a wealthy home developer. She wants to wait and goes to her high school reunion where she meets Seth (Greyston Holt for this episode), her sweetheart back then. He attempts to kiss her, she pushes him away, and they get into an argument. She later accepts Warren's proposal. Olivia prepares for the federal judgeship, until she reads Jack's article about her departure and sees her huge farewell party. She tells Jack not to print the story, as she is staying put.

Poster for episode A House Divided.

A House Divided

Poster for episode Reunion.


Poster for episode Suspicious Minds.

Suspicious Minds