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Jezik E/T Ocena Naloženo
Plakat filma Hatfields & McCoys (2012).


ID osM
Tip vnosa Mini serija
Zvrsti drama
Države USA
Jeziki en
Trajanje 360 min
External links omdb , imdb
Plakat epizode Part 1.

Part 1

A Hatfield murders a McCoy, and Randall McCoy's daughter and 'Devil' Anse Hatfield's son begin a tempestuous, forbidden love affair.

Plakat epizode Part 2.

Part 2

When the McCoys murder Anse's younger brother, the Hatfields ride out to get bloody revenge. Soon, friends, neighbors, and outside forces join the feud, and all-out hostilities between the Hatfields and McCoys bring West Virginia and Kentucky to the brink of Civil War.

Plakat epizode Part 3.

Part 3

Bad Frank's raids force the besieged Hatfields deeper into the mountains; the impulsive Johnse sets his sights on another McCoy woman; the ruthless Nancy McCoy spies on the Hatfields; and the feud leads to a shattering New Year's Day battle.